What a shit-show 2020-2021 have been. Besides living in a Covid-19 world with all it's stress and uncertainty, my mother passed away last year and my elderly father and medically vulnerable/declining youngest sister are currently living in an area of Sydney which is locked down due to high cases of Covid. I've been dealing with government beurocracy and trying to help manage my sister's care while at the same time my own health is declining and work has not slowed down one bit.
Just this past week I realized that my left eye can't really focus well anymore so I guess I wear glasses now. Earlier this year I was experiencing vertigo and had some tests done, one of which was my first eye exam ever. Turns out my left eye was a little weak, so I got some glasses which I only wore briefly before my vertigo returned. It's a good thing I bought them when I did as since then Sydney has been in lock down and I actually need them now.
I haven't even thought about drawing for a long time, I've accepted the fact that I probably won't draw outside of work anymore. However, I finished my current storyboard a couple days early, so I drew the above image in Storyboard Pro today. I'm much fatter in real life.
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