I also got to take some long exposure shots at night. I'm not actually a fan of how water looks in long exposures, but I think this one turned out okay. This was taken while drunk, sitting cross-legged on the promenade, with the camera propped up on a backpack.
Another important lesson learned was to lean a little less on colour curves in editing. This shot of Berne was probably the last heavy handed edit (although I now overuse contrast). Colour correction in general is so dependant on monitor calibration, so I figure a lighter hand will avoid unwanted drastic over/undersaturation.
Finally, when travelling alone the photos that your friends/family will care most about (photos of YOU) will be dependant on the photography skills of strangers. I recall this shot being taken by a little old italian lady.
Watching: Breakfast at Tiffany's by Blake Edwards, To Catch a Thief and Marnie by Alfred Hitchcock
Reading: Packing for Mars by Mary Roach, Dad Is Fat by Jim Gaffigan, Salt, Sugar, Fat by Michael Moss
Listening to: Black Prairie - A Tear in the Eye is a Wound in the Heart, Chuck Prophet - Night Surfer, Ryan Adams - Self Titled, Tweedy - Sukierae, First Aid Kit - The Lion's Roar, Kacy & Klayton - The Day Is Past & Gone, Ryan Boldt - Broadside Ballads, Wilco - Alpha Foxtrot Alpha
Playing: Mass Effect 1 & 2
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