In hindsight I should have used clubs instead of hearts to match the shape of her hair.
This design is available as a T-Shirt at MySoti and RedBubble (also as a sticker).
This is a good example of how I take very simple concepts and make them unnecessarily complicated. I planned on this being only one colour (yellow) with thick black lines to look like it was drawn with a sharpie on a post-it. I should've stopped myself when I started drawing shadows.
On the flip side, I only had a vague idea about how this should look when I started and as a result, this took a lot of time to find a look.
On the flip side, I only had a vague idea about how this should look when I started and as a result, this took a lot of time to find a look.

I've been stuck on 3 or 4 drawings and I really wanted to just whip out a drawing so I whipped out a quick self portrait.
I've been using my DSLR to "scan" sketches and while taking a photo of this sketch I decided to also take a photo of the piece of cardboard I use under my laptop (because I've been using my bed as a desk for the last few months) to use as a background texture. I tried adding details and highlights, but I think it looks better without it.
Watching: Disney's Tangled, Scott Pilgrim vs the World by Edgar Wright, The Brothers Bloom by Rian Johnson
Reading: Bossypants by Tina Fey, Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven and Jerry PournelleListening to: Whiskeytown - Pneumonia, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Let It Sway, Big Star - No.1 Record
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